Naat Sharif in Hindi Application allow users to read and share Naat Sharif. All Naat Sharif are written in Hindi Language and very easy to use. Application is having very eye catching user interface.
In this application you will see an option to view list of Naat Sharif Category, when you click an option to view categories, you will see list of Naat Sharif's category in Hindi.
Following are the categories which are available in this application.
✔ Humd
✔ Naat-e-nabi Sallallaho Alayhi Wassalam
✔ Gause Azam dastagir
✔ Khwaja Moinnudin Chisti
✔ Ali Shere Khuda
✔ Shahidi Kalaam(Karbala wale)
✔ Salato-salaam
User can click on category to view list of Naat Sharif available for specific category. For an example we have Humd category which contain list of Naat Sharif in Hindi.
Before, you ask here are the answers to your question. Meaning of All Category available in this application.
In Humd Category all Naat Sharif are available which is related to Allah. Naat-e-nabi as per name we have all Naat sharif in this category which is for prophet Mohammad Sallallaho Alayhi Wassalam. We also have shahidi kalaam which is explaining history of Karbala.
We hope you will love this application as we tried to combined many Naat Sharif as possible.